
Blockchain and logistics

What is blockchain? This is a program that connects all participants in a transaction to a common supply chain and allows them to track every detail of it online: money transactions, type and quality of goods, declared and actual delivery time, and so on. Also, this smart system is used not only to track data, but also to conclude contracts and other agreements.

Any transaction is recorded in a block, copies of it are stored on several computers at once, but together these blocks form a blockchain. In essence, this is a platform that reflects all the steps of the participants in the transaction and allows them to work as honestly and safely as possible in relation to each other (all participants have the same level of access).

Blockchain technology on futuristic background with world map network.Network ,vector illustration

How is blogchain used in logistics and This is a trend that helps ensure that all records related to the condition of a trucking vehicle are as accurate and truthful as possible: service history, truck performance, how worn it is over time, and so on.

Thus, when a truck is put up for sale, through recorded transactions in the blockchain, buyers can find out how this car was previously used and whether it is worth taking it on balance?

Another method of applying the blockchain in logistics is all the data on the carrying capacity of the car. This is one of the main factors that affects the cost of transportation. The use of blockchain technology makes it possible to accurately determine the amount of space that a particular cargo occupies in a car, and therefore calculate the cost of delivery as quickly as possible.

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